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Gemmotherapy Session 


Initial Gemmo Intake: $125.00 for both adults and children

Follow -up: $95.00

Acutes: $65.00


A targeted protocol builds resilience by connecting the communications systems of the body, providing you with improved vitality and enhanced immunity.

The body has four elimination routes.  The digestive system, the kidneys, the respiratory system and the skin are directly involved in the elimination process.  These eliminatory pathways depend on the endocrine glands for optimal cellular function.  The heart, blood vessels and the nervous system are also involved indirectly. 


If these pathways are not functioning properly the immune system suffers and disease starts.

Full payment is expected at the time of each session by cash, check, Venmo or Paypal.

Looking for academically sound facts about homeopathy research?


Resource Place, PMA.

Located at - The Growing Place, LLC

Cape May, NJ

tel: 514-938-6158


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