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Homeopathy Follow-up Visit

  • Tier 1:     $200k and up   -  Follow up $200

  • Tier 2:     $100K and up  -   Follow up $160

  • Tier 3:     $80k to $99K   -   Follow up $125

  • Tier 4:     $60K to $79k   -   Follow up $90

  • Tier 5:     Up to $60K      -   Follow up $75




Full payment is expected at the time of each session by cash, check, Venmo or Paypal.

Looking for academically sound facts about homeopathy research?


Resource Place, PMA.

Located at - The Growing Place, LLC

Cape May, NJ

tel: 514-938-6158


Copyright 2005-2021. Reservados todos los derechos.

Lugar de recursos, PMA. Ubicado en - The Growing Place, LLC

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No debe utilizar la información de este sitio web para diagnosticar o tratar un problema de salud o enfermedad, ni para recetar ningún medicamento u otro tratamiento.

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